Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Provenge Significantly Improves Survival Advanced Prostate Cancer

Dendreon Corporation has announced that Provenge, the Company's investigational immunotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer, significantly improved survival in men with asymptomatic, metastatic androgen-independent (hormone-refractory) prostate cancer when compared to patients who were receiving placebo.This is a three-year intent-to-treat analysis of the Company's first randomized Phase 3 clinical study, in which patients receiving Provenge had a 4.5 month improvement in their median survival and a greater than 3-fold increase in survival at 36 months when compared to patients receiving placebo. Provenge is designed to stimulate a patient's immune system against prostate cancer cells. It is developed through Dendreon's proprietary Antigen Delivery Cassette technology, which utilizes a recombinant form of an antigen found in 95 percent of prostate cancers, prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). Provenge is being further evaluated in an ongoing, another pivotal Phase 3 trial (D9902B) under a Special Protocol Assessment agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.To learn more about the trial, go to www.dendreon.com.

1 comment:

Komaldeep Sodhi said...

The following article “Soya can prevent prostrate cancer” in The Times of India dated: 17th march 08, features a new study/research done by Northwestern University. The research asserts on the fact that a compound (Genistein) found in soya beans seems to prevent the spread of prostrate cancer. Genistein is found to decrease metastasis of prostate cancer to the lungs by 96 percent. Further, study tells that Genistein inhibits detachment of cancer cells from a primary prostate tumor and represses cell invasion. It does this by blocking activation of p38 MAP kinases, molecules which regulate pathways that activate proteins that loosen cancer cells from their tight hold within a tumour, pushing them to migrate. The researchers found that while Genistein didn't reduce the size of tumours that developed within the prostate, it stopped lung metastasis almost completely. They repeated the experiment and found the same result.
For the complete research findings refer March issue of Cancer Research